Yoga Teacher Training Missed Classes/ Module Retake

If the student knows the dates he/she is going to miss before the start of the YTT.

  • Fill in the dates he/she is going to miss, in the YTT application form, or send an email with missing class dates before the start of the teacher training program.  please email to  and quote your IYATT-XXXX number mentioned in your welcome email.
  • Yoga course Admin Assistant will verify and he/she will be informed about replacement class dates by email.
  • Once the student confirms that he/she can retake the dates, those dates will be input in the student YTT management software schedule system.
  • If he/she can take it he/she will be issued a missed classes retake card which he/she need to bring to the replacement classes and show the teacher before or after the class and get it signed.
  • Yoga course Admin Assistant will check and verify the record before the YTT class.
  • No need to pay for the missed class retake fee as the retake class dates are approved by our affiliate college in India and are confirmed before the start of the YTT.
  • Apart from the agreed dates, if the student is absent for other classes and if the student requests to retake those classes he/she needs to pay the missed classes to retake admin fee of HKD 500 per module and he/she can only take the missed classes mentioned in the missed classes retake card.

If the student is absent for some classes during the YTT and requesting to retake the missed class please follow the below steps.

  • If the student missed 3 or fewer classes, the topics can be revised during the revision week. The revision class will be arranged during the last week of the teacher training course. It is not necessary to retake the classes in another batch.
  • If the student missed more than 3 classes, send an email to  and list the dates of the missed classes.
  • He/she will be sent a link to pay the admin fee depending on the number of classes and
  • After confirmation of the payment, he/she will be informed about the replacement class dates by email.
  • If he/she can take the classes on those dates, he/she will be given a missed class retake card which he/she need to bring to the class and show the teacher before or after the class and get it signed.
  • Yoga course Admin Assistant will check and verify the record before the YTT class.
Recommended group classes completion deadline
Once the admission to the course is confirmed any request to move to another batch for any reason will incur an admin fee of HKD 1000 and it can be moved only once.  Andiappan Yoga class and recommended group classes expiry will remain with the originally joined course dates.
Please note students can change the type of the class in the recommended group classes list if they are not able to attend a certain class due to schedule difficulties.

Students should sign in at the reception for each class they attend to avoid attendance issues.

Annual membership/ coupon class arrangement for existing Anahata members

如果學生在 YTT 開始之前知道他/她將缺課的日期

  • 在 YTT 申請表中填寫他/她將缺席的日期,或在師資培訓計劃開始之前發送一封包含缺席日期的電子郵件。請發送電子郵件至,並註明歡迎電子郵件中提到的 IYATT-XXXX 號碼。
  • 課程行政助理將進行驗證,並透過電子郵件通知他/她課程調動的日期。
  • 學生一旦確認他/她重修日期,這些日期將輸入到學生 YTT 管理系統中。
  • 他/她確認日期後,將獲得一張缺課重修卡,他/她需要將其帶到重修的課堂上,並在課前或課後向老師展示並簽署。
  • 課程行政助理將在 YTT 課程前檢查並驗證記錄。
  • 無需支付缺課重修費用,因為重修課程日期已在 YTT 開始前獲得我們印度附屬學院的批准。
  • 除約定日期外,如果學生缺席其他課程,並且學生要求重修這些課程,他/她需要支付缺席課程的重修行政費,每個單元港幣 500 元,並且他/她只能參加缺課重修卡中提及的課程。

如果學生在 YTT 期間缺課並要求重修缺席的課程,請按照以下步驟操作

  • 如果學生缺席 3 節課或以下,則可以在複習週期間修讀該節課的主題。複習課將安排在師資培訓課程的最後一週,無需重修另一期的課程。
  • 如果學生缺席超過 3 節課,請發送電子郵件至 並列出缺課日。
  • 他/她將收到一個支付行政費的鏈接,具體取決於缺席課程節數
  • 確認付款後,他/她將透過電子郵件收到更換課程的日期。
  • 如果他/她可以在這些日期上課,他/她將獲得一張缺課重修卡,他/她需要將其帶到課堂上,並在課前或課後向老師展示並簽署。
  • 課程行政助理將在 YTT 課程前檢查並驗證記錄。


一旦確認錄取後,因任何原因要求申請轉學到另一期的均需繳納港幣 1000 元的行政費,且只能轉學一次;Andiappan瑜珈課程和建議小組課程的有效期限將保留原本加入的課程日期,維持不變。

參與師資培訓後,現有 Anahata 的年度會員/套票安排。

Batch Transfer Process:

Students who wish to transfer their admission to another batch must choose two alternatives in the list of the upcoming courses that fall within six months of the starting date of the originally admitted course. This information must be submitted/emailed together with the payment of the batch transfer admin fee to

The batch transfer fee may be waived if requested within one week of the course fee payment, otherwise, the batch transfer fee (HK$ 1000) will apply. The course fee for the Full day/Sunday and part time teacher training may vary.

Please note once the student’s batch transfer application is approved and moved to another batch he/she won’t be able to move to any other batch and must complete all the classes within the same batch.

Any additional promotions / complimentary classes offered for the current batch cannot be moved with the batch transfer process.  Please let us know whether you wish to keep the recommended group and andiappan yoga classes within the current batch with the current expiry or to transfer the remaining recommended group and andiappan yoga classes together with the new batch.  This batch transfer is only given for the course classes and not for the complimentary coupons/memberships if any. 

If the student decided to move the recommended group and andiappan yoga classes he/she will not be able to continue the recommended group and andiappan yoga classes from the date of the batch transfer approval date.

The remaining validity period of the recommended group and andiappan yoga classes will be set to start from the new batch transfer teacher training start date in the class booking system. This process cannot be changed once the classes are transferred to a new batch date. This information must be submitted/emailed together with the payment of the batch transfer admin fee to

For Existing Anahata Yoga Group package members we will adjust your package suspension date to the new batch date.  This batch transfer admin fee once paid is not refundable. Batch transfer request application must be made before the start of the course.

Click here to apply for a change of batch request. 

Extension for Andiappan Yoga/ Recommended group classes: To extend the deadline of the Andiappan Yoga class and Recommended group classes, the minimum extension is one month and the maximum is three months. The extension request must be made before the deadline date of the Andiappan Yoga class and Recommended group classes. The fee for the extension will be HK$1000 per month. Click here to apply for an extension.

Extension for Assignment Deadline: If you can not submit your assignment on or before the deadline, an administrative fee of HK$500 will be required before the due date and the maximum extension given will be an additional one month.  Click here to apply for an extension. 

Practical Assessment Retake Request: All students must complete the practical assessment to get certified. If a student fails to attend or complete the practical assessment on the given assessment date he/she will have to apply with a valid reason and supporting documents to be assigned to another batch and complete the assessment process. This request must be made before the assessment date with the payment of the admin fee of HKD 500. If the student fails to apply and complete the assessment process within three months from the course end date he/she will be considered as a drop out from the course. Click here to apply for an assessment retake

Student Course Status

Drop out – If a student chooses to leave the course; not attend classes without any written notice and prior approval from the management; fail to complete the practical assessment or assignment on or before the deadline set; he/she will be considered to have dropped out from the course and will not be eligible to receive the certification.

Re-take – If a student is absent for more than five classes without providing any supporting documents for the absence (such as medical certificate/proof of emergency), he/she will need to retake classes missed.  There is an administrative fee to retake the missed classes or modules as per the requirements. The retake classes must be completed within six months from the ending date of the original course dates the student signed up for.   Failure to retake the classes missed will be considered as dropped out from the course.

Not Completed – If a student fails to submit their assignment on time, finishes the assessment, or has not attended any of the recommended group practice classes, they will be considered as “not completed” the course.  As such, they will need to complete these procedures within the assignment deadline.

The student will need to provide a written notice to the school and give credible reasons for not completing the assignment /assessment within the given deadline to be granted an extension.  If the extension is granted, there will be an administrative fee of HKD 500 to extend the assignment for one month. If it is necessary to assign the student to another batch to complete the assessment, the administrative fee will be HKD 1000.  If the whole process is not completed within three months of the original deadline, they will be considered as a dropout student.

DROP OUT  STUDENT –  Once the three months deadline is over, Any dropout who wishes to complete the course has the option of retaking the classes as required and assigned by the teacher training administrator and faculty team and must complete the assignment and assessment process within the given deadline. A proper written request must be submitted to the course director and upon approval of the application, the student will be advised on the next procedures. Such students have to pay 50% of the course fee to complete this process. 100% of attendance is compulsory for dropout–retake students for all the assigned classes.

If a student is not able to complete the whole course within the same batch for any reason and did not request to transfer any part of the course to another course within 12 months of the starting date of the original course, the student will be considered to have dropped out of the course.

All communications must be addressed to the course manager and in relation to rescheduling of the course, retake of missed classes, assessment retake and assignment deadline extension must be in writing and the correspondence must include the student IYATT number for identification. All requests must be made and received preapproval within the original course end date and may incur administrative fees.

Points to note:

1) If the student would like to attend a whole module, he/she will have to pay the full module fee.

2) If the student is absent for less than 3 classes he/she can request to revise these topics during the revision week (During the Andiappan Yoga Group Practice Class mentioned in the schedule)  of the course.